Language acquisition

No German? No problem.

We embrace a trilingual approach to education, offering a rich linguistic environment in German, English, and French. Our commitment to nurturing global citizens is reflected in our belief that multilingualism is a cornerstone of intellectual and cultural growth. Studies have shown that being immersed in multiple languages from an early age not only enhances cognitive abilities but also fosters a deep appreciation for diverse cultures. At our school, we go beyond traditional language education, providing a dynamic and immersive experience that goes hand in hand with our rigorous academic curriculum.

At the German International School, we celebrate inclusivity and welcome students from all linguistic backgrounds. Proficiency in German is not a prerequisite for admission. Our dedicated language programs are designed to accommodate learners of all levels, providing comprehensive support for those new to the German language


Three-step German language program

We are experts in teaching German. Highly skilled and experienced teachers craft a balanced program, with increased instruction time in German when needed, and a fully bilingual approach, once students gain a higher level of German language proficiency.

All our German teachers are native speaking experts, with additional qualifications in teaching German as a Second Language. In Grades 1 to 4, German classes are taught by two teachers concurrently, ensuring that each student receives individual support. Unlike any other school in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area), the GIST allows children to authentically learn German while students are immersed in a German environment. If you would like your child to grow up bilingual in Toronto, come and meet with us! We would love to set out the benefits of bilingualism and explain how our language program serves children best. We welcome students without any level of knowledge of the German language up to Grade 4 and offer our three-step German language program.

We use standardized language test to assess the language proficiency of our students. All students participate in German third party testing (VERA) and take their first steps towards the German Language Diploma (Deutsches Sprachdiplom – DSD). Competency test results offer valuable information to further enhance teaching strategies and to individualize the language support offer.

At GIST, our students join us from Germany and from around the world. As a partner in the network of over 135 German Schools Abroad, it is our clear promise to quality that all of our students learn the German language at GIST with confidence and enjoyment. We introduced the three-step German language program which reliably introduces the student to the German language (Level 1: DeutschFASTTRACK), constantly expands and develops language development (Level 2: DeutschPLUS) and addresses further language challenges (Level 3: DeutschPRO).



This program is designed for students with no or very little knowledge of German. It is an intensive program designed to quickly build a basic vocabulary in German. This is achieved through many speaking and listening activities and initial reading and writing with continuous repetition. The students learn to create simple sentence patterns. The following topics are emphasized: I and my environment (everyday school life), numbers, colours, bodies, verbs, nouns, definite and indefinite articles, singular and plural, and prepositions. The goal of the Fast Track program is to enable students to quickly and easily find their way in everyday school life.



All students with an average to good knowledge of German and who also speak German regularly in their environment are invited to attend GermanPLUS lessons. It is a program in which students increase their vocabulary through regular practice. This is done through deepening and broadening speaking, listening, writing and reading exercises. The students consolidate grammatical structures and spelling rules, initiate the writing of simple texts and expand their oral language skills (reproducing content, giving reasons, and expressing themselves linguistically on different tasks). The GermanPlus program aims to secure oral and written vocabulary and spelling strategies.



This program is aimed at students with more advanced and consolidated German language skills. It includes regular intensive training at the native-speaker level. In this program, students work individually on their language challenges, such as preparing speeches, consolidating spelling strategies, sensory comprehension of complex texts and questions, and independently developing and revising stories and different categories of texts. The goal of the GermanPro program is the independent reflection of individual linguistic learning growth and further work on individual linguistic phenomena.



The English program at GIST follows the Ontario Ministry’s Canadian English program consisting of the core competences of oral communication, reading, writing and media literacy.

Our unique, state-of-the-art, curriculum is enriched with our competency-oriented focus on language development. Standardized third party testing ensures quality.

Our program assists all students in developing strong English skills. English native speaking children benefit from our program as much as children who may have very limited knowledge of English. From Grade 1 to Grade 9, all our English classes are delivered by two English teachers in the same room.

Following the Ontario Curriculum ensures that our advanced English speakers can continue to excel in English and develop in line with their respective peers in Canada. Our beginners catch up quickly and strongly benefit from our team-teaching strategy which assures individual support in the classroom. We use Canadian teaching and learning supplies for native speaking classes. Additionally, we use ESL resources from Ontario and from Germany.

Our students, including our German students, participate in Canadian standardized competency tests (Education Quality and Accountability Office – EQAO) in Grades 3 and 6.


The GIST French curriculum is based on highest German curricular standards for French. It is competency-orientated, clearly structured and directly linked to our excellent teaching and learning supplies.

French is one of Canada’s official languages we are naturally committed to promoting this language. Beyond this, the deep and historic friendship between France and Germany affords the French language considerable importance in the German educational system as well. The GIST’s curriculum for French is modern, competency-orientated and based on German standards for French as a Second Language. Since all our teaching and learning supplies are written in French and German, our students constantly face linguistic challenges, making them confident French speakers and creative problem solvers. French lessons begin as early as pre-kindergarten, where children learn simple phrases and words, sing songs, and play games once a week. The French instructions continue in grade 1 and are part of the schedule/timetable in all grades.